Conclave Vice-Chief of Shows

Responsible for producing  entertaining and inspiring shows for Friday and Saturday evening during Conclave. This includes securing needed elements (such as guest speakers, special props, theme videos, etc.), developing a budget, prepping the shows site(s), setting up shows, and executing them.

Detailed Responsibilities

  • Communicate regularly with the Shows Adviser (via phone, text, email, etc.) to keep track of and meet goals, discuss challenges, and find solutions. Promptly communicate with section officers if there are any problems.
  • Attend monthly check-in meetings with the Section Chief and/or other officers. 
  • Produce a dated calendar and plan with goals and objectives that will ensure you meet the key dates set forth by the COC (see below). Be proactive in trying to meet these components in a timely manner.
  • Develop a budget to use your allocated funds. Do not exceed your budget. 
  • Develop a script. This should include a minute-by-minute script and storyboard for a day in review video.
  • Work with the lodge chiefs, section officers, and other CVCs to ensure that the theme and message of Conclave is conveyed.
  • Work with the CVC of Site to request any onsite resources that you may need to run your event by the indicated deadline.
  • Work to recruit other staff members that will be needed to create a quality show. This includes creative scripting staff, tech, stage crew, etc.
  • Place all Shows planning documents into the Shows folder of the Section Google Drive. This will be an essential resource for your successor.
  • Submit an evaluation on Shows activities to the section within 30 days of the conclusion of the 2025 Conclave.

Apply for Conclave Vice-Chief of Shows